Health Office
Health Requirements
Health Examinations (Physicals)
- New York State law requires a Health Examination* for all new entrants and students in grades Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11;
- Every year, for students participating in athletics (sports)
- For Working Papers as needed; or
- When required by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE).
*A dental exam form is also requested at the same time a grade-level health examination is required.
Immunizations (Shots/Vaccines)
- New York State law requires all students entering or attending (including remotely) any New York State school (public, nonpublic, and charter schools) must receive all doses of immunizations required for their grade level in order to attend school. The immunization requirements for each grade level are outlined on NYSDOH Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance Chart. Students who do not have the required immunizations may not attend school.
- A request for medical exemption to immunization must be completed on this form: Medical Exemption Statement for Children 0-18 Years of Age.
- Overview of New York State Public Health Law 2164 (Public School Immunizations)
Prescribed & Over-the-Counter Medications
If your child needs to take medications during the school day the school must have the following:
- A written healthcare provider order with a written parent/guardian consent, and
- The medication must be brought to school by an adult. The medications must be in their original labeled prescription or over-the-counter bottles/packaging. Any special supplies or equipment for the nurse to administer the medication must also be provided to the school.
Each sport season requires:
Sign Up or update in FINALFORMS, Parents must sign all the forms each sport season, students must sign the Concussion Policy each sport season. Parent directions if new to FinalForms: Parent Playbook
- Physical Exam - must not be more that one year old from the first day of practice/try-outs:
Tdap Alert
he State of New York requires that all students who turn 11 years old have a Tdap immunization.If they are not immunized within 14 days after their 11th birthday, they will not be allowed to attend school.
Meningococcal Vaccination Alert
Before School this September:
- One dose of meningococcal vaccine is required before 7th grade. If your child had the first dose as a sixth grader, then another dose is not required until 12th grade.
- A total of two doses will be required before 12th grade. Most students entering 12th grade got their first dose when they were younger and are now due for their second dose, or booster. This booster is needed because protection from the vaccine decreases over time.
- The only teens who will not need a second dose before 12th grade are those who got their first dose on or after their 16th birthday.
It's best to check with your doctor to see whether or not your child needs the vaccine. Students who are not up-to-date will not be allowed to attend school until they are vaccinated per NYS Public Health Law 2164.
Elementary School
Mandi Schmalz
315-839-6359 Fax
Middle School
Makenna Sheppard (Interim)
315-839-6390 Fax
High School
Donna Farrell
315-839-6397 Fax